How To Workout When You Have NO Time

woman practicing yoga as workout

With all of the appointments and commitments we juggle daily, getting in a workout when you haven’t had one in a while seems like a hopeless pipe dream. The time never seems to present itself. So it’s important that you work it into your schedule. 

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I’ve been trying to start a workout routine for a few months (you read that right) now it just hasn’t happened. Each night I go to bed saying tomorrow is the day. I set my alarm extra early with the vision that I’m going to leap out of bed energized and ready to go the next morning. I’ll throw on some cute workout clothes and head out the door for a run before work.

Every day for three months… it just hasn’t happened. So I had to settle on the fact that this ‘strategy’ just wasn’t working. I’m not going to find the motivation, I have to make it. And I have to figure out what works for my schedule. Because the early wake up just isn’t going to hack it apparently.

A Workout = Me Time

As working moms, I know most of you can relate. Unless you are just literally superwomen, most of us have a hard time 1) sticking to a workout routine and 2) finding the time for it.

Gone are the pre-kids days of having hours of free time to workout whenever you wanted. We didn’t know how lucky we had it, did we? And when you do have the time now, you may have to figure out what to do with your tiny humans.

But the truth is, we all need to make the time. And you should all know about 6 months into motherhood that unless you make the time, it won’t magically appear on a silver platter with a scheduled babysitter and a brand new pair of yoga pants for motivation. 

The times in my life when I was the most confident was when I was working out consistently because I had made it a part of my lifestyle. I was confident, not necessarily because I weighed less but because I felt f***ing great every. single. day. You just FEEL better when you are moving your body every day. It has been shown to increase energy, reduce stress and get you better quality sleep. Basically, it will improve ALL THE THINGS ladies.

I think a big hurdle to overcome is rebranding it in your mind. This is time just for you. Nobody else. And you deserve this time. You deserve to feel confident and healthy. That should be non-negotiable. Self care at its finest. So check out my best ways to get in that workout when you just don’t have the time.

1. Get your workout in before work

This one was standard for me in my ‘youth’… sigh. I was a part of an informal running group that would get together on Wednesday and Saturday mornings to get in our long runs. We met at 5:30am which was brutal… but necessary in a Texas summer to beat the heat. But the hardest part of my day was already done. I could get through anything after that.

It takes just a few great early morning workouts and that post workout euphoria to be hooked. You’ll want to get up and get your workouts done first thing everyday. But the hard part is getting started. So break the cycle, get your butt out of bed early and get it done.

TIP: Don’t set a lofty goal right up front. Dedicate 2 days in the first week when you are going to get up to workout early. Sleep in your workout clothes, set a different sounding alarm and put it across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

If you are hitting the gym, outline your workout the night before so that you know exactly what you are going tackle when you get there. You won’t waste time figuring out what you feel like doing and you’ll maximize your workout in the time you have.

2. Get 2 workouts in on the weekends

Right now this is my go-to. I head out to an 8am bootcamp style workout on Saturday and Sunday mornings while my husband gets the kids set up with breakfast and cartoons. 

As a mom of a 5 month old and toddler, 8am is basically sleeping in nowadays so I don’t mind the early wake up. I get my workout in first thing on the weekends to jump start my day. Even if I don’t get another workout in all week, I have my two workouts done on the weekends so I consider that a win.

TIP: Sign up for a group workout class or bootcamp with others that will motivate you to show up. Check out free community yoga programs or meet a friend at the gym. When nobody but you knows that you didn’t make it, it makes it easy to skip. Accountability is the key to success. Find an accountability partner!

3. Workout on your lunch break

This seemed to be one that works if you have the resources. If your office has a gym built in or close by and you can get a quick 20-30 minute workout in? Why not take advantage? Bring baby wipes, dry shampoo, a brush and makeup to clean up afterwards while you eat your lunch and head back to work.

TIP: Block off your calendar for this hour so you don’t get booked during this time and have to abandon your workout. I have to remind myself of this all the time but remember that a 20 minute workout is better than nothing.

4. Workout after the kids are in bed

You’ve had dinner, kids have been bathed and are tucked into bed. For the readers without kids, this is our golden hour and a half! You have a little bit of alone time to do whatever you want before you head to bed yourself.

And the possibilities are endless! Work through that DVR. Pour a glass of wine and fold some laundry (its all about balance). Clean up your disaster of a house. (Been there).

Set aside a few nights a week where you dedicate this free time to a workout. Do a Tabata or HIIT workout while your favorite DVR-ed show is on.

There are plenty of resources to get in a workout at home, with no equipment, on your computer. YouTube has an endless supply of free videos with varying degrees of complexity and length.

Aaptiv is a great subscription resource for audio based workouts. Jump on the treadmill, stationary bike or head out for a run with a coach and music in your ears to motivate you and direct you through your workout.

5. Break up your workout into activities throughout your work day

I know what you’re thinking… here we go. Another person suggesting I do air squats at my desk and keep assorted dumbbells close by for a quick arm sesh during my work day. 

Don’t worry – I’m not suggesting that. Why? Because that advice is ridiculous.

If anybody walked past my desk and saw me doing air squats in my work clothes… in the middle of the day? They would think something was a little off about me. Not to mention if I pull out gym equipment from underneath my desk and start pumping iron.

What I can recommend is being intentional about moving throughout the day. Commit to taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the last lot in the parking lot so you get some extra steps in at the beginning and end of your day. Set a reminder on your phone to take one quick lap around the office every hour to get your legs moving. Invest in or ask your boss if you can purchase a height adjustable standing desk. 

It’s not a workout but on the days where a dedicated workout isn’t going to happen, these habits will improve your health and help you maintain the level of fitness you have achieved.

I love my Fitbit because it vibrates with 10 minutes left in the hour if I haven’t gotten 250 steps in. If I’m not in a meeting, I get up and walk for a few minutes. Even if it is to the bathroom and back. It’s those little reminders to get moving!

Improving in small ways, everyday

I hope this was the thing you needed to read today to refocus on your health and make an effort to work it into your routine. Small steps each day make the difference. Try and improve a little bit each day and you can’t ask for more than that. 

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