Welcome to Professionally Mom!

Hi, I’m Gemma – a full-time career woman + mom who is building a career in corporate America. I am attempting to do this while juggling my growing family, keeping my home somewhat livable, as well as trying to squeeze in a little time for a hobby here and there. As I strive to become the best mom and professional I can be, I wanted to share my journey with you and the countless others who find themselves in a similar situation.

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My husband and I met in college, and after a few graduate degrees, getting married and amassing significant student loan debt, moved across the country to chase jobs in our respective fields. As two young professionals who were finally out of school, we spent a few years hustling in our careers before deciding to start a family. We welcomed a little boy in late 2016, and his little brother will be joining us later this year.

With all of this change in a few short years, I struggled with how to continue to grow my career at its current pace while juggling young children, household ‘responsibilities’, minimal family support because of distance, significant student loan debt and staying motivated to go above and beyond in my day to day job. I found myself searching online for resources on how career-oriented women were finding time for their professional development while balancing everything else that comes into play with having a full-time job and being a mom. Were other women wrestling with this constantly like I was? I couldn’t be the only one wondering how others managed… Right?!!

So, I decided to start this blog to share my journey and hopefully in some way help others in the same position. I want to make my own professional and career development a priority and hope I can deliver the same information to busy working moms through a means that is easy to consume with our hectic schedules and precious mental energy.

In addition, I wanted to share other resources that would hit home for other corporate mamas like me. How can we manage all our work commitments and at the same time be the best moms we can be for our kiddos at home? It is a balance that I am determined to find… for my kids, myself and my sanity. I often wonder how moms are coming into work each morning without apple sauce on their blouse, poop in their hair, diapers spilling out of their purse and still manage to have an intelligent conversation with their boss about this month’s goals and our action plan to reach them. And as of right now, I only have ONE child.

Help me!

This balance isn’t going to happen overnight. I hope you’ll jump on this train with me to make ourselves better professionals, moms and overall more fulfilled people, one day at a time. Lets get started!


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